Architecture consists of planning and product, designing and construction of huge infrastructure. Nowadays due to the high advancements in the modern technology, everything has become very easy for humankind. More and more Architects are coming up with new ideas and concepts to build an everlasting building, which can with can withstand any natural calamities at any cost. Architecture today refers to the designing, all sorts of system in the field of Information technology.
Due to complexities of buildings in this modern era, which eventually gave rise to Morden architecture, but this requires a lot of time, space and man power. During the last two decades and century, the millennium year, drastic change has been brought about in this field.
When urbanization took place, this created a great impact on the Environment, ultimately an imbalance in the natural environment. In order to bring about a change without any fatal impacts there is an architect called "Conservation architect" is being practiced.
Its main objective is to see that Urbanization does not bring about an ecological imbalance, and to maintain without disturbing its original state. Government has made it mandatory that it is necessary that anybody have get permission in order to build infrastructures. Conservation architect is a blessing to this modern era of this people. This is not a revolution but an evolution.
Scotland is the capital of Edinburg and it is known to be renowned city only for its unique architecture. There are famous architectures that have been completed here which mainly include Norman Foster, Robert Adam, and Enric Miralles. The city consists of manly two parts that is George New town and medieval old town. Edinburgh Architect is known for itsGreat architecture, this one of the wonders, people from all around the globe come here to visit this place, which consists of all the modern infrastructures.
The university of Edinburgh Architecture Research (EAR), is a non –profitable, academic journal, which is published for every thirty years. Where it is an element, consisting of all the reviews and suggestions for the betterment of the prestigious institution.
Edinburgh architect has a unique form of association, which is very much essential to date architectural news, CPD and many other social events in Edinburgh chapter area.
Edinburgh castle, that exists now is a started in 1367, and includes many important buildings like the Great hall, which also now exists as a warehouse for armor and weapons. Royal apartments also consist of a little wood panel room, the place where Mary, the queen had given birth to her son, who later also became King James VI.
Therefore, this is a fabulous opportunity for the tourist to have a look into Edinburgh. Consisting of an antique collection. Historic monuments are still there and the government is striving to bring things under control and made strict rules and regulations to preserve the antique monuments, which gives us ethic values even now.