Architecture For Palm Beach County - Landscaping Design Concept

Architecture For Palm Beach County - Landscaping Design Concept
As one of the most affluent areas in the state of Florida, landscaping design and architecture for Palm Beach County is a historic, southern style that reflects the regions past, yet blends it with the present. The themes of most of the historic districts in West Palm Beach are of a Mediterranean style and also the mission style is prevalent as well. These particular styles leave a lot of options as to themes that revolve around the architecture.

Rock garden
Rock gardens are a creative way to enhance the features of a property and illustrate appeal through their own aspects. Rocks can be used to create walkways, shadow flower beds, or to simply replace grass altogether. Ideally, this is an eco-friendly direction, saving an abundance of water that would normally be used to water the lawn. Red lava rock is a fabulous way to enhance the features of a Mediterranean style home and add color to any landscaping design and architecture for Palm Beach County. Consider flagstone and polished marble as possibilities when creating walkways or rock gardens.

Trees carry a large impact in the Landscaping Design and Architecture for Palm Beach County. They will usually be placed in a pattern or a means of providing shade to certain areas of the property. Though the functionality may be diverse, the importance of trees remains very high. Certain trees require very little maintenance in this region, such as palm trees. There are others, weeping willows that will require a greater amount of maintenance (trimming, upkeep). Other trees that can provide shade as well as a colorful appearance are sweet acacias, red maples, black mangroves, holly trees, sycamores and Florida basswoods.

There are so many beautiful plants and flowers that are indigenous to South Florida and can enhance any property, whether it is the front yard or the back yard. It may only be a specific area that needs color or appeal, such as a walkway or a porch in the front. Other areas may be a deck in the back, a pool area or even a grotto. There are so many native plants and flowers that are ideal for Landscaping Design and Architecture for Palm Beach County; it would take up too much space to list them all. Here are a few of them that can offer ideas as to presentation.
Leather Fern-this is a plant that takes up a lot of space and also makes a statement. It can be used in a collection or as a standalone plant. Being a native plant of the region, it has a medium salt tolerance. It does require large amounts of moisture. The leather fern is a perennial plant that grows from 4 to 8 feet in height.

Amaranth-A colorful addition to any landscaping is this plant. With its attractive, red foliage, the amaranth grows very quickly and reached a mature height of 1 to 2 feet.
Blue Flag Iris-This enticing, blue flower will perk up any walkway or garden. The blue flag iris is a perennial plant that can grow from 4 to 7 feet in height at full maturity. It does require a large amount of moisture and care, but the results are well worth the invested time.
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