1. The Church of Hallgramur (Reykjavak, Iceland)

The Church of Hallgramur is a Lutheran parish church which is also a very tall one, reaching 74.5 meters (244 ft) height. It is the fourth tallest architectural structure in Iceland.
It took incredibly long to build it (38 years!) Construction work began in 1945 and ended in 1986.
2. Las Lajas Cathedral (Colombia, South America)

Las Lajas Cathedral was built in 1916 inside the canyon of the Guaitara river where, according to local legend, the Virgin Mary appeared.
You can find it in southern Colombian Department of Nariño, municipality of Ipiales, near the border with Ecuador.
3. Device to Root Out Evil (Calgary, AB, Canada)

It was too hot for New York City; too hot for Stanford University. But a controversial, imposing sculpture by renowned international artist Dennis Oppenheim finally found a public home in laid-back Vancouver.
A country church is seen balancing on it’s steeple, as if it had been lifted by a terrific force and brought to the site as a device or method of rooting out evil forces.
4. Chapel of St. Gildas (Brittany, France)

This is the chapel of St-Gildas, which sits upon the bank of the Canal du Blavet in Brittany, France. Built like a stone barn into the base of a bare rocky cliff, this was once a holy place of the Druids. Gildas appears to have travelled widely throughout the Celtic world of Corwall, Wales, Ireland and Scotland. He arrived in Brittany in about AD 540 and is said to have preached Christianity to the people from a rough pulpit, now contained within the chapel.
5. Shell Church (Huntington Beach, CA, USA)

We has no info on this one, only the location – Huntington Beach, CA, USA. The best thing about this church is a huge Shell logo.
6. Notre Dame du Haut (Ronchamp, France)

People say that the roof of this building looks like Elvisa hair
Informally known as Ronchamp, the chapel of Notre Dame du Haut was completed in 1954 and is considered one of the finest examples of architecture by the late French/Swiss architect Le Corbusier.
Interesting fact: when it rains, water pours off the slanted roof onto a fountain, creating a dramatic waterfall.
7. St Joseph Ukrainian Catholic Church (Chicago, IL, USA)

Its massiveness and gray color looks like Soviet architecture. I was amazed when I read that it was actually in USA and not in Soviet Union.
St. Joseph Ukrainian Catholic church is best known for its ultra-modern thirteen gold domed roof symbolizing the twelve apostles and Jesus Christ as the largest center dome.
It is celebrating its 53 years, so it was built in 1956
8. Jubilee Church (Rome, Italy)

Jubilee Church has very distinctive curved walls which look like sails and serve the engineering purpose of minimizing thermal peak loads in the interior space.
The walls are made from a special cement, which contain titanium dioxide, so it destroys air pollution.
According to Borgarello When the titanium dioxide absorbs ultraviolet light, it becomes powerfully reactive, breaking down pollutants that come in contact with the concrete
9. Grace Fellowship Baptist Church (Baltimore Road in Detroit, Michigan, USA)

This weird building is actually a church. Once it was famous for being Detroit's most beautiful Chinese-American restaurant. Later it closed down and became the Omega Baptist Church and then the Grace Fellowship Baptist Church. Located at 265 Baltimore, MD, USA.
10. Basilica de Higuey (Dominican Republic)

Basilica de Higuey, inaugurated on January 21, 1971, is one of the most respected monuments of the Dominican Republic. It was built by French architects, and is located in the city of Higuey, Dominican Republic.
11. Church in Stykkish lmur (Iceland)

No, this is not an alien structure, it is another weird church in Iceland.
It has two different emails giving different info about the alien structure, oh I mean this church.
12. St. Basila's Cathedral (Moscow, Russia)

Cathedral of Saint Basil the Blessed was built in 1555 -1561 by Ivan IV (a.k.a Ivan the Terrible) to celebrate the capture of the Khanate of Kazan. The multi-tented church stands at the very heart of Moscow,the Red Square.
A legend says that Ivan had the architect,Postnik Yakovlev, blinded to prevent him from building a more magnificent building for anyone else. In fact, Postnik Yakovlev built a number of churches after Saint Basilas.
13. Cathedral of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)

Cathedral of Rio de Janeiro was built between 1964 and 1979. Conical in form it has internal diameter of 96 meters (315 ft) and an overall height of 75 meters (246 ft).
The church has a standing-room capacity of 20,000 people.
Four rectilinear stained glass windows soar 64 meters (210 ft) from floor to ceiling.
Looks like a Pyramid of Egypt or Aztecs, doesn’t it?
14. Sagrada Familia (Barcelona, Spain)

Sagrada FamÃlia is a very massive Roman Catholic basilica under construction in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. Construction began in 1882 and continues to this day. A very famous architect Antoni Gaudà worked on the project for over 40 years, devoting the last 15 years of his life entirely to this endeavor.
In the center there is going to be a tower of Jesus Christ, surmounted by a giant cross; the towera's total height will be 170 m (557,7ft).
15. Paraportiani Church (Mykonos, Greece)

Paraportian Church is one of the most famous architectural structures in Greece. Its name means secondary gate, because it was built on the site of one of the gates of the Medieval stone walls. Some parts of this beautiful church date from 1425 and the rest was built during the 16th and 17th centuries.