No doubt about it, going "green" is all the rage and it's no wonder. The benefits of being environmentally conscience transcends saving the planet in unexpected ways. By being "green" we often see instant benefits by the money we save. Using "green architecture" when building and remodeling is no exception. Here are 5 tips that are helping us be more earth friendly when building and remodeling:
1. Recycled materials
There are no limits to the recycled materials that can be used in green architecture designs. Reclaimed wood can be used for flooring, trim and exposed wood ceilings. Recycled rubber tire chips can be used in landscaping. Even broken glass fragments are being used inside walls for insulation.
2. Solar panels
Solar panels have been around for ages now, but thanks to advances in technology they are now more accessible to the general public. Their new attractive designs makes them more "green architecture" friendly. Solar panels are most often used to heat swimming pools and to power the whole house.
3. Water collection systems
Collecting rain water is not a new concept. Most hardware stores carry large barrels that are used for the sole purpose of collecting rain water. This water can be used to water plants as well as a other uses limited only by ones imagination.
4. Wind turbines
An excellent way to apply green architecture to your property, wind turbines are highly effective in producing energy for your home by using wind as its power source. When considering the installation of these check first with your city to see if code allows them.
5. Green roofing
Green grass roofs are popping up everywhere. Both cost efficient and attractive, one can now apply green roofing systems to their entire roof or just a portion. The extra insulation helps keep energy consumption down.