Vake Multifunctional Center - symbiosis of elegance

Vake Multifunctional Center - symbiosis of elegance
Vake Multifunctional Center - symbiosis of elegance
Vake Multifunctional Center - symbiosis of elegance
Vake Multifunctional Center - symbiosis of elegance
Vake Multifunctional Center - symbiosis of elegance
Vake Multifunctional Center - symbiosis of elegance

In January 2008 was awarded First Prize in the international competition to design the Vake Multifunctional Center in Tbilisi, Georgia. The Design vision for the forty-story tower, which will serve as the new corporate headquarters for the Cartu Group, is a symbiosis of elegance and structural components that incorporates high-performance design elements.

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